
Is PIL for me?

Public interest litigation (PIL) can help you if you are trying to achieve a particular goal by using the law, specifically through litigation connected with certain issues or topics of public interest.


When to use public interest litigation

Use public interest litigation if you want to:

  • seek compensation for something that happened
  • stop or prevent someone from doing something
  • establish or enforce your rights
  • strengthen your position when faced with a strong adversary
  • tell your story to a court or tribunal
  • find out information
  • enable the truth to be heard, even in a situation where you lose your case and the status quo is preserved
  • use legal action as part of a wider campaign. The ideal litigation is one in which the mere act of bringing the case can help you meet your goal, regardless of the outcome
  • establish a point of principle
    overturn an unjust law or government action
    force someone to do something that will help to redress a harm you have suffered or are suffering
  • seek a settlement of your claim or an agreed solution to your problem.

When not to use public interest litigation

Do not use public interest litigation if:

  • You need a very quick solution. Although courts can grant urgent or emergency orders, litigation can take many months or years, leading to high legal bills. At a national level, it can take two to three years for litigation to reach its conclusion. At an international level, this timescale can double.
  • It will damage your reputation or credibility
  • It will exhaust your energy or resources
  • It will close the door to other easier ways to reach your goals
  • you only have a moral case, rather than a legal one
    the facts are very unclear, or there is serious doubt whether you can establish these facts
  • the risk of losing your case is high, and the implications of such a loss will make your situation worse.

Legal issues where public interest litigation can help

These links explain the legal aspects of problems in the following areas:

  • Land rights
  • Environmental or pollution issues
  • Problems resulting from climate change
  • Right to information
  • Human rights of various types (economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights)
  • Constitutional Rights which you may have under your constitution
  • Corruption
  • Gender issues
About Us

Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.

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